
Tag: DevOps

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Calibo blog post chat bot

How Calibo’s IDP helps you to deploy an OpenAI Chat Bot 

Calibo enables developers to create UIs and APIs in minutes and deploy them to multiple platforms, including EC2, Kubernetes, or OpenShift.   In this blog, we will go through all the steps to create a React web app and a chatbot widget, along with an API using Spring Boot that integrates with the OpenAI API…

Octavio Martin, August 7, 2024

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Data and product pipelines

3 ways CI/CD adoption can benefit your DevOps team 

Incorporating CI/CD and DevOps into your organization’s processes offers numerous advantages.   In this blog, we share three key benefits of embracing CI/CD and DevOps: faster software development, higher-quality output, and enhanced collaboration.  Challenges in data management and software development  Over the last decade, many organizations have started adopting DevOps to expedite better software delivery.…

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Whats the difference between platform engineering and DevOps SRE

What’s the difference: Platform engineering vs. DevOps/SRE?

In today’s rapidly evolving tech landscape, the roles and responsibilities within software development and IT operations continue to expand and overlap, leading to sometimes confusing terminologies. Among the most commonly discussed yet often misunderstood concepts are Platform Engineering, DevOps, and Site Reliability Engineering (SRE). Each of these disciplines plays a critical role in enhancing software…

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Unlocking the true potential of CI/CD pipelines for improved productivity

Unlocking the true potential of CI/CD pipelines for improved productivity 

Measuring developer productivity has always been a challenge in the software industry. Traditional metrics like committed code or merged pull requests provide some insight but often fail to capture the true impact of developers’ work.   Consider this scenario: a developer merges just one pull request in a week, consisting of only one line of code,…

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